Mission Statement


The Brereton Field Naturalists' Club of Barrie is a group of friendly people who enjoy and work to protect our natural heritage. Our aims are to acquire and share knowledge of natural history, to protect wildlife, and to stimulate public interest in nature and its preservation. The Breretons advocate the protection of significant green spaces and corridors in the planning process for our high-growth region. Little Lake, a provincially significant wetland, is also a high priority. We monitor and advise the city on the management of its woodlands bordering Little Lake.

In addition, we work with the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority to manage Minesing Wetlands, an international Ramsar site and provincially significant wetland complex; support MTM Conservation Association in managing provincial wildlife areas at Marl Lake, Tiny Marsh and Matchedash Bay (another Ramsar site); and support local Rails-to-Trails organizations. Visitors are welcome to our meetings and field trips which include birding, wildflowers, scenic trails, reptiles, mushrooms, insects, fossils, stargazing, potluck meals, etc. Our Blue Heron newsletter reports on club activities and provides information on local natural history.